How to install the BCN3D flexible printing surface upgrade (Epsilon series)

Removing the printing parts more easily, having a better lifespan of the printing surface and providing a better workflow are some aspects of the BCN3D Flexible buildplate. Learn how to install it.




The flexible build plate consists of a glass buildplate with magnets and a magnetic flexible sheet. The product is assembled and ready to place on the printer.



  • This product is only intended for autocalibration units.
  • At the moment, the X/Y autocalibration procedure can not be done with the flexible buildplate installed, so we highly recommend keeping the previous glass for this calibration.
  • It is recommended to run the buildplate levelling and Z autocalibration after installing it.

The flexible buildplate should be installed the same way as the current printing glass, making sure it's correctly positioned:

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After a print job, always wait for the hotbed to cool down before removing the flexible sheet from the printer to avoid hurting yourself and/or damaging the buildplate.

The flexible buildplate sheet can be easily removed from the magnetic by lifting this specific area:


To remove a part, the flexible sheet can be bent to easily remove the part and clean it with water and soap, always making sure it is dry before reinstalling it on the printer.

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If the plate is to be replaced after removal, care must be taken to avoid scratching the magnetic surface. You can use the arrows as a guide to position the plate correctly.
