How to replace the layer fan (BCN3D SigmaX)

In this article you will learn how to replace the layer fan

The Layer fan is in charge of cooling the printed part and solidifying the filament once it has exit the hotend.


1. Unload the filament and disconnect the Bowden tube from the hotend.

remove vertical bowden

remove bowden

Note: If you are unable to unload the filament check this article:

How to unload the filament (BCN3D Sigma)


2. Turn off and disconnect the printer.



3. To remove the hotend, cut the tie wrap, disconnect it from the extruder board and unscrew the two screws on the top. For a complete guide on how to do it, you can check this article: How to change the hotend (BCN3D Sigma)


4. Loosen the screws on the cooler fan and unscrew the one on top to remove the upper cover. screw-icon x1 M3 6mm


5. Disconnect the layer fan from the extruder board, unscrew and remove the layer fan with the printed part. screw-icon x3 M3 12mm

Changing the cooler fan - BCN3D Epsilon.mp4_snapshot_01.08.721

remove layer fan

6. Install the new layer fan, be sure to put the fan with the sticker pointing towards the printed part, and place the printed part with the hole pointing downwards.


7. Connect the fan and screw the connection cover back in place.Connection-cover-screws



If you have any issues or questions in any of the steps, contact our support team using this form: Support form.

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Repair didn’t go as planned? Check out our forum community for troubleshooting help.


It's important to keep your printer in good shape to make the most out of it. In this chart, you can find a list of the extruder maintenance procedures and how frequently these should be done. Maintenance Plan


bcn3d-recycle  Take your e-waste to a certified recycler. Check how we do it in BCN3D.


Parts   Buy these parts
cooler-fan-bcn3d Layer Fan SKU 10916 



check flat cable eng check mainboard fuse eng


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