Printed parts (BCN3D Sigmax)

Print some parts of your BCN3D Sigmax if you need them

Some of the parts in our BCN3D Sigmax are printed models that you can actually manufacture yourself.

Here are the printed parts files if you need a specific one.


Bodycap L

Body Cap L



Bodycap R-1

Body Cap R


Bodymount L

Body Mount L



Bodymount R

Body Mount R


flatcable clip

Bowden Cable Clip



bowden entry top

Bowden Entry


bowden entry guide

Bowden Entry Guide



Bowden entry L

Bowden Exit L


Bowden entry R

Bowden Exit R


cloth support

Cloth Support


Connection Cover R



Connection Cover L

connection cover

Connection Cover (old)



coupling clip

Coupling Clip


Curve flat cable holder

Curve Flat Cable Holder



driver spacer

Driver Spacer


endstop support L

Endstop Support L



endstop support RR

Endstop Support R


bed led connector clamp

Front LED Connector Clamp



Hotbed cable double clip

Hotbed Cable Double Clip


idler spacer

Idler Spacer



Purge Bucket L

Jumbo Purge Bucket L


Purge Bucket R

Jumbo Purge Bucket R




Layer Fan Spacer


plain flat cable holder

Plain Flat Cable Holder



screen holder L

Screen Holder L


screen holder R

Screen Holder R



sdreader spacer

SD Spacer


spool holder

Spool Holder



vertical bowden

Vertical Bowden 


yendstop spacer

Y Endstop Spacer



Belt Clamp



All the printed parts are printed with PET-G. If you need some tips about how to print with this material, check this guide: How to print with BCN3D PET-G

Forum Community

Need more tips? Check out our forum community for more info about this


It's important to keep your printer in good shape to make the most out of it. In this chart, you can find a list of the extruder maintenance procedures and how frequently these should be done. Maintenance Plan


bcn3d-recycle  Take your e-waste to a certified recycler. Check how we do it in BCN3D.



sample parts eng


printing issues eng



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