How to Check the Operation of the Cooler Fan (Epsilon Series)

In this Article you Will Learn how to Check if the Cooler Fan is Working Properly









To check the operation of the cooler fan, turn on your printer and go to "Temperature" and preheat the hotend. The cooler fan should turn on once the temperature of the hotend reaches over 90º.



If the Fan Does not Turn On:

Make sure that the flat cable on the extruder board is properly connected and check that the cables are in good condition. To do so, turn off the printer and unplug it from the power outlet.



If the cable is properly connected and the fan does not turn on, swap the cooler fan from one printing head to the other. Bear in mind that this procedure can only be done if one of the cooler fans is turning on. If both fans are failing you can skip these steps. 

If you have the tools, you can also unplug the cooler fan from the extruder board and feed it with an external power supply (12 volts) to see if it works.

If you confirm that the issue is the cooler fan you can replace it with a new unit.

If the issue is not located on the fan, you can run the same procedure with the extruder board. Swap the extruder board from one printing head to the other to see if the issue keeps happening on the same printing head or moves to the other one. Bear in mind that this procedure can only be done if one of the cooler fans is turning on. If both fans are failing you can skip these steps. 

If you confirm that the issue is on the extruder board you can replace it with a new unit.

Forum community 

Repair didn’t go as planned? Check out our forum community for troubleshooting help.


It's important to keep your printer in good shape to make the most out of it. In this chart you can find a list of the extruder maintenance procedures and how frequently these should be done. Maintenance Plan


bcn3d-recycle  Take your e-waste to a certified recycler. Check how we do it in BCN3D.


Parts   Buy these parts
cooler-fan-bcn3d Extruder Cooler Fan - Epsilon SKU 11034 



check flat cable eng


replace cooler fan eng


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