Upgrade your printer: Stepper drivers (BCN3D Sigma)

Improve the performance and enjoy a more silent movement of the steppers with this upgrade


Allen key 2.5 mm
Allen key 2 mm
5.5 mm Socket wrench


This guide is only for the early Sigma units that don't have the silent driver upgrade.



X Axis drivers

Y Axis driver

Z Axis driver

Extruder motor drivers


Note: Before starting the upgrade, raise the bed so you can have access to the Z driver, and then, turn off and disconnect the printer.

image-png-Aug-04-2020-02-26-39-55-PM shifting8




X-Axis drivers


1. Remove the two Allen screws of the Driver holder. screw-iconx2 M3 8mm 


2. Disconnect the flat cable and the other connectors.


3. Remove the two screws and washers of the Driver.

screw-iconx2 M3 6mm



4. Assemble the new Driver with the spacer and holder with the same screws and washers in the same way as it was before.



5. Connect the flat cable and the other connectors to the Driver, and screw the two screws of the Driver holder.




Y-Axis driver

1. Remove the two nuts and washers that are holding the Driver. nut-iconx2 M3  washer-iconx2


upgrade-driver-sigma-bcn3d-5 upgrade-driver-sigma-bcn3d-6


2. Disconnect the flat cable and the other connectors.


3. Connect the flat cable and the other connectors to the new Driver.

upgrade-driver-sigma-bcn3d-8 upgrade-driver-sigma-bcn3d-9


4. Assemble the new Driver in the correct position with the same spacer as it had before.



Z-Axis driver

1. Remove the cover by unscrewing the four screws.

screw-iconx2 M3 8mm 

screw-iconx2 M3.2 9.5mm



2. Remove the two nuts and washers that hold the Driver. nut-iconx2 M3  washer-iconx2


upgrade-driver-sigma-bcn3d-12 upgrade-driver-sigma-bcn3d-13


3. Disconnect the flat cable and the stepper motor wire.


4. Connect the flat cable to the new Driver.


5. Assemble the new Driver in the correct position with the same spacer as it had before and then place the washers. Tighten the nuts and connect the stepper motor wire.

upgrade-driver-sigma-bcn3d-16 upgrade-driver-sigma-bcn3d-17



Extruder motor driver


1. Remove the metal cover by removing the two nuts. nut-iconx2 M3


2. Remove the front spacers and disconnect the stepper motor wire and flat cable from the Driver. Then remove de Driver. spacer-iconx2


upgrade-driver-sigma-bcn3d-19 upgrade-driver-sigma-bcn3d-20


3. Connect the flat cable to the new Driver. Then place the Driver with the same back spacer and connect the Stepper motor wire.


upgrade-driver-sigma-bcn3d-21 upgrade-driver-sigma-bcn3d-22




It's important to check the connections of flat cables before powering up the printer, you will find more information about this here: How to check flat cable connections

Forum Community

Need more tips? Check out our forum community for more info about this


It's important to keep your printer in good shape to make the most out of it. In this chart, you can find a list of the extruder maintenance procedures and how frequently these should be done. Maintenance Plan


bcn3d-recycle  Take your e-waste to a certified recycler. Check how we do it in BCN3D.


Parts   Buy these parts
driver-r19-bcn3d Sigma / Sigmax R17 | R19 Driver YZE SKU 11931
driver-r19-bcn3d-x Sigma / Sigmax R17 | R19 Driver X SKU 11930



upgrade printer sigma EN


upgrade printer fan EN


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