Keeping the Print Cool - BCN3D Stratos


warning-1 Remember that BCN3D Cura will not receive new software updates. Please download BCN3D Stratos our new slicer for improved performance.







Learn More about This Parameter:

Fan speed
Maximum/normal fan speed threshold
Initial fan speed
Normal fan speed at height
Minimum layer time
Minimum speed
Lift head


Fan Speed

fan speed

configuring fan speed

the speed the layer fans rotate. A higher speed allows better cooling of the material during printing and reduces oozing, but can also increase material shrinkage.

This configuration is divided into the following parameters:

  • Normal fan speed:  speed where the fan spins if the printing time of the layer is higher than the normal speed threshold.
  • Maximum fan speed: speed where the fan rotates if the printing time of the layer is less than the maximum speed threshold.

    info-icon The fan speed varies gradually between these 2 parameters, depending on whether or not the threshold is reached.




    PAHT CF15

    ABS | PA      


    Normal fan speed should be 0% to ensure adhesion between layers of the material.

    For small details, it can be used at a higher speed than 0% to ensure correct printing.

    PP In this case, warping may occur. To avoid deformations caused by high temperature, the fan speed must be at 100%
    PET-G  It does not require much refrigeration. If delamination is found between the layers, the fan speed can be reduced.


    Maximum Fan Speed/ Normal Fan Speed Threshold

    regular/maximum fan speed threshold

    fan speed vs layer time comparison chart


    Layers that print slower than the threshold use the fan at normal speed. For faster layers,  the speed increases gradually until reaching the maximum fan speed.

    This way, the model is correctly cooled following the thickness along the Z-axis.



    Initial Fan Speed

    initial fan speed

    configuring initial fan speed

    This modifies the fan speed only on the first layer. This speed is stable until the normal speed height is reached.


    To ensure the correct adhesion of the first layer to the printing surface, it is recommended to reduce this speed to 0%



    Normal Fan Speed at Height

    regular fan speed at height

    This is the height where the fans change to normal speed from the initial fan speed. Increasing this height has the advantage of improving adhesion to the printing surface but it can also lead to the appearance of oozing on the piece. A height of 0.8mm is sufficient


    The height where the speed variation will take place can be indicated in millimeters and in the number of layers.




    PP GF30

    ABS | PP

    If the fan is used with these materials, it is recommended to increase the height where the fan will start working at a normal speed, so it can be increased to more than 1mm.



    Minimum Layer Time

    minimum layer time

    Determines the minimum time that a layer should be printed. If a layer takes less time than inputted value, the printer reduces the speed to achieve the minimum layer time. This allows the printed material to cool down properly before printing the next layer.




    0.8 | 1 mm By extruding more material, it takes very little time to print a layer. This can affect the surface quality of the piece, so it is recommended to increase the minimum layer time.

    Tough PLA 


    It is recommendable to raise the minimum layer time above 20 seconds to avoid heat deformation in small details.


    Minimum Speed

    minimum speed

    This is the minimum speed that the printer is required to print. This way, the correct material flow is maintained and the printing result is not compromised.


    Lift Head

    lift head

    Enabling this setting allows the head to move away from the piece during the printing process. This occurs when the minimum layer time is not reached, even when printing at the minimum speed.

    The head will wait until the minimum layer time has passed and then continue printing. This gives the printed material enough time to cool down at a minimum speed.



    Forum community 

    Need more tips? Check out our forum community for help.


    It's important to keep your printer in good shape to make the most out of it. In this chart, you can find a list of the extruder maintenance procedures and how frequently these should be done. 

    Maintenance Plan (Epsilon Series)

    Maintenance Plan (Sigma Series)

    Maintenance Plan (BCN3D Sigmax)

    Maintenance Plan (BCN3D Sigma)


    bcn3d-recycle  Take your e-waste to a certified recycler. Check how we do it in BCN3D.



    slicing-stratos-en stratos-introduction-en


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